Unfortunately due to the rising cost of supplies and shipping, you'll start to see some increases in prices before the beginning of next week. Know that I do try to keep my prices competitive, while also making sure that my costs are covered. I never raise prices just to raise prices.
Products on the rise: Body Mousse 2oz & 4oz, Mask Therapy 2oz and .5oz Samples, Vegan Deodorant Sticks, Silky Body Lotion (all sizes), Whipped Cream Soap 2oz, and Roll-On Perfume Oils. (Any Gift Sets or Combo packs containing these products may see an increase as well)
Products that are going down in price:
Skin Dessert Refreshing Body Mist 2oz and 4oz, Vegan Lip Balms, Beeswax Lip Butter and Herbal Skin Toner 5oz. (Any Gift Sets or Combo Packs containing these product may see a decrease as well)
All other products will remain the same. I will begin changing the prices today and hopefully get them all switched out before the end of the week.
I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.